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Changes to our Human DNA

John Adams

The Target

Various theories assert that human DNA has been altered negatively by outside forces as well as by natural cycles or cataclysms. (If so) what are the best means of re-optimizing it again now?


In this session, I was inclined to jump out of the normal ideogram routine. Straight away I got the sense of something distant and different and then, perhaps along a certain path, something nearer (in time?) and "formulating in process".

disparate adj. 1. markedly distinct in quality or character. 2. containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements.

There was also an emanating or explosive thing which appeared on grid lines that may have been location-relevant. Was this in the past? Was it micro or macro level at this point? Hard to tell. However, the elements soon lined up that I was looking at something more three dimensional, with tendril-like parts.

Here are some of the key elements observed:

Disparate, Formulating process, Directed, Mediated, Light/Energy Living, breathing, vibrating complex. Rhythmic, Tendril-like, Oscillations, Something to do with life, Documentation, Falsified Documents, Changing, Motion, Cycling, Spinning, Zig zag, Three Dimensional, Causation, Perilous, Darkened aspect/Mottled/Denatured, Changed, Viral, Terminal, Laboratory-like, Blood, Method, Colorectal, Vibratory, Gives off light, Clear surface, Emanating-vibrating complex, Strobes (rhythmically with a modest living breathing strobing light), Clear surface-exterior, contained or encased inside, Complex design or situation, Molecular, Sub-atomic, Mass and charge, Time/proportion, Transfixed, insurmountable, Long cavernous hole, Science Lab, Scientific Activity, Hidden Male Subject, Overseeing, Restricting, Fascist, Dark Agenda, Dark Cabal, Purging, Abilify (the drug, or a play on words?), a Medieval Trap, Terminal, Eviscerating, Sub-optimal, Waves, Emanating, Outflowing, Rigor, Plotting, Survival, Efficiency, Collective Conscious, Vestigial, Making a clean break, Decoupling, Gross management/handling, Vital, Permanence, Commandeering, Cross-hatched, Bio-Microbial.

Vestigial is interesting because it means forming a very small remnant of something that was once much larger or more noticeable.

In biology, it means (as of an organ or part of the body) degenerate, rudimentary, or atrophied, having become functionless in the course of evolution (-Oxford Languages). This is obviously very relevant with relation to the targeting.

And then we get things like oscillation, rhythm, clockwork, and cycles.

In DNA there is what is known as DNA Oscillations - Circadian clocks as endogenous oscillators that control 24-hour physiological and behavioral processes. The central circadian clock exerts control over myriad aspects of mammalian physiology, including the regulation of sleep, metabolism, and the immune system.

"The mammalian circadian clock has evolved as an adaptation to the 24-hour light/dark cycle on earth. Maintaining cellular activities in synchrony with the activities of the organism (such as eating and sleeping) helps different tissue and organ systems coordinate and optimize their performance. The full extent of the mechanisms by which cells maintain the clock are still under investigation, but involve a core set of clock genes that regulate large networks of gene transcription both by direct transcriptional activation/repression as well as the recruitment of proteins that modify chromatin states more broadly." -link

Scientists believe the 24-hour cycle of earth's rotation has been a major contributing factor to human genetic evolution.

In this session, I perceived a strobing, glowing effect, observed through what may have been a clear shell exterior. There is energy involved in the ATP process where ATP hydrolysis provides the energy needed for many essential processes in organisms and cells. These include "intracellular signaling, DNA and RNA synthesis, purinergic signaling, synaptic signaling, active transport, and muscle contraction." -link

Light sensing is a part of our everyday cycle as well. Light/UV Radiation can have negative impacts. In Optogenetics, light can be used to treat disease;

Some highlights from the following publication on are that:

  • Nature is equipped with solutions to use light to drive essential metabolic processes

  • Delivery of foreign genes enables light sensitivity to otherwise insensitive cells

  • Cells are engineered to transform light energy into desired biological functions.

  • Light-regulated control has leg to great advances in biomedical research

There are a sporadic number of colorectal cancers relating to DNA. Regarding DNA and blood, alterations in DNA methylation patterns at specific locations and overall in the genome have been associated with many different health outcomes.

"In cancer and other diseases, most of these changes have been observed at the tissue level. Data on whether DNA methylation changes in white blood cells (WBC) can serve as a useful biomarker for different health outcomes are much more limited, but rapidly emerging. Epidemiologic studies have reported associations between global WBC methylation and several different cancers including cancers of the colon, bladder, stomach, breast, and head and neck, as well as schizophrenia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Evidence for WBC methylation at specific loci and disease risk is more limited, but increasing."-

Oddly, the term Abilify came up. While the drug is considered helpful to some, serious side effects have been reported in others using the pharmaceutical drug. In this article in neuropsychopharmacology, researchers discuss the chronic treatment of antipsychotic drugs, specifically Abilify, which can "modulate gene expression in the brain, which may underscore their clinical efficacy. Aripiprazole is the first approved antipsychotic drug of the class of dopamine D2 receptor partial agonist, which has been shown to have similar efficacy and favorable side-effects profile compared to other antipsychotic drugs."

For some it appears to have a positive affect on neuroplasticity and others a more negative impact. For some it helps balance mood, thoughts and behavior, for others it can have severe negative consequences that are permanent. There is still much not know about the molecular process of this drug.

Other Dark aspects and Eugenics Rebranded as Transhumanism

Of course, we have to consider the dark aspects of this session which indicated a "sub-optimization", and the overseeing of scientific activity in a lab hidden somewhere distant and hard to get to underground. Much of the session, in fact, appeared to paint this story. A dark activity, or cabal, a negative, and in fact fascist quality that underscored the subject. This activity seemed to offer a "downturn" and be "terminal" in nature. I perceived a medieval trap of sorts. This felt negative. Whatever object was being observed appeared to have been mottled or denatured and changed. The term viral also came up, as well as bio-microbial.

The phrase perceived, "caught in a landslide", from the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody, seems relevant. The lyrics can be found here:

Historian and author of the book "The Octopus of the Global Control", Charlie Robinson, discusses the history of eugenics and its rebranding to transhumanism as well as the "depopulation agenda" here:

And author and journalist Whitney Webb discusses whether "transhumanism is the new eugenics" as well here:

Alternatives or solutions to this situation involved the "collective conscious" and making a clean break, decoupling, survival, efficiency, and management, or presumably avoiding "gross" mismanagement.

Since we are literally what we eat, basically, the raw ingredients of so many minerals, nutrients, and water, converted into energy and vitality, all encoded in a maintenance system that sustains our well being, if one should tamper with that system, there are multiple possible vectors available. Perhaps we need to be more "rigorous" in our plight of "survival". If we can not maintain any semblance of peace, unity, or mutual survival, certainly outside forces without our best interests at heart aren't going to help do that for us. And it just seems more easy now than ever for the misguided few to mess all of it up.




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