Supernovas represent the death of stars, but just as equally new life in galaxies, for they give birth to materials found nowhere else, including the heavy elements gold, platinum, mercury, uranium, thorium, and so on. We are in fact the progeny of exploding stars. The last supernova in our Milky Way to be witnessed by us here on Earth was in 1604. It has been estimated that one occurs somewhere in our galaxy every 50-100 years, and closer to our sector every couple hundred years. So it could be said we are perhaps overdue to witness one without having to peer deep into space.
One of the possibilities that has been discussed of late is Betelgeuse, in the constellation of Orion, due to its recent fluctuations and changes, and in fact it is in the relatively late stages of its lifespan, putting it somewhere in the top ten list of supernova candidates for us.
What the data presented will show are not only potential candidates, but also unexpected correlations to theorized data. One such data point was that mercury could be found inside these events at all, or that their cores or left behind nebula could be magnetic.
The Target: The next supernova event in the Milky Way to appear from Earth visible with the naked eye.
Cue: Determine star location and acquire most identifiable data if possible.
Remote Viewers blind to the target and working solo: Charlie Peralta, Ilaria Varriale, Henrietta Hajdu, Jemma Warner, John Adams and Lily Efflorescence.
John A

On this target (from a blind pool) I had several verifiable hits and clocked in at about 34 mins. Notably is the mention of "armpit" on the page one basic image drawn. Two candidates come to mind while searching on the web on this aspect: Ascella (or Zeta Sagittarri) and Betelgeuse. The former is a literal translation of the word and refers to the "armpit" of the archer in the constellation of Sagitarius and the star is the third brightest, which is actually a three star system about 88 light years from Earth. Neither does Ascella nor its counterparts appear to be candidates for a supernova, although I could be wrong (not an expert). There is scant information on that possibility, so I had to deduce from the given solar masses and the distance the stars orbit each other (for either type Ia or type II supernova events). That would leave Betelgeuse, which is sometimes referred to as the armpit of Orion. The distance of this star is roughly 450 light years away, considered by most to be a safe distance away.

Here we see a "beleaguered" something in circular motion. The propped aspect, especially when compared to a few of Lily's sketches, reminds me of a type Ia supernova dynamic (not what would be the case with Betelguese as it doesn't have a companion and is rather a Red Giant that will eventually implode and then explode back out again).
Both of our depictions seem at least reminiscent of a white dwarf taking mass from its companion before reaching the 1.4 solar mass Chandrasekhar limit and exploding.

Now we have a mass that appears cloudy with the rounded shape of an egg at the center. It is described as "advancing" and the border is labeled as "official", and of course a supernova would not be official until its light first reaches Earth every so many years after the event depending on the distance in light years.

Apart from the relevant descriptors, notice the center labeled as magnetic. It turns out that supernovas can leave behind a magnetic core.

From a Scientific American article, "Not all supernova explosions are created equal. Scientists have recently discovered an amazing diversity of stellar deaths with a far broader variety of characteristics than they had previously supposed existed. Some supernovae, for example, are overachievers that detonate with the brightness of 100 ordinary blasts; others are underwhelming, fizzling out with hardly a flash. This strange supernova zoo is becoming clearer thanks to automated telescope surveys that can scan the entire sky on a regular basis, turning up far greater numbers of stellar eruptions than astronomers were ever able to study before."

The element mercury is listed as an AOL and what is described as something relating to the Earth and a push a pull. The source is something widening or expanding.
In the below image is waves, flashing, reflections and/or light. I described it as like a body of water that is electric. When I touched it it felt powerful, electrical and stinging. Promissory (adj.): conveying a promise or agreement; indicative of something to come; full of promise.
"the glow of evening is promissory of the splendid days to come".

Supernovas are now first detected with neutrino detectors. "An enormous amount of a supernova's energy, a whopping 99 percent, is carried away by a burst of neutrinos (of all flavors) in a span of about 10 seconds" —neutrinos.fnal.gov
These particles arrive hours sooner than light in a first pulse because they "get out of the way of the explosion" sooner than the light. They would be detected as a signal some hours in advance of the visible light of a supernova.

Lily E
In Lily's session these drawings stand out as interesting, indicating a spherical rotating structure but also an attached cone. Is this representational of a white dwarf taking on mass or other kind of star exploding?

Lily's session was mostly positive in tone. She mentioned perceiving waves, light, a doorway, and going through a door and seeing mostly white light. Some of her notable words were spherical, rotating, pathway, vast, expansive, infinite, eternal, multidimensional, transmutation, high frequency, high vibrational, irradiating, and state altering. She then got fragments that are to be disassembled and then reassembled. When reassembled there is a new consciousness created.
Her summary is as follows:

Jemma W
Jemma's session was a little more negative in tone in that she perceived destructive events, including a collapsing building, extreme heat, crashing, rubble, earthquake, descent, "fire of London", the feeling of her legs burning, fear, concern, emergency and mass panic. She also got loud, exploding, forces of nature, people fleeing, chemical reaction, the word nuclear, catastrophe, extreme weather, emergency services and annihilation.

Henrietta H
Henrietta had a bit of a strange session. She clearly depicts something related to the target with one of her first drawings, which also denoted "egg-shaped", glowing and energetic:

After that she was picking up on a land environment and seemingly an ice age with different objects, creatures and dead bodies. Was it related to Earth, or on a different planet? Was it the past or the future, or merely jumping away from target?

After that she drew what appeared to be a cave with subjects present inside.

In her previous session she depicted what looked like could be a person searching for answers about the target: researching, investigating, examining close-up and connecting the dots.

Charlie P
Charlie perceived something moving, fast rpms, rotation, spikey repetition, rumbling, vibrating, spinning very fast, gradually picking up speed over time, as well as intricate structures.

Was this spherical structure with a central core somehow related to the inner workings of a supernova? It's difficult to say. Perhaps they are representational of atomic interactions and forces in some way.

Ilaria V
A last minute session was by Ilaria. Some of her notable data was: "looking at something from far away", bright, reflective, flowing, moving, strong, night time and with a perspective close to the ground. She gets a similar looking unfurling flap as well.
Her Summary goes on to say: "A heavy round-shaped object appears to be present. Movements are flowing for the most part, at times fast or sudden. There is a liquid material at target which appears to be dense and moving. There is a strong light. There is one or more biologicals at the target. One of them may be a small animal. The nature and purpose of the target may be related to arts or creating something, entertainment or science".

In summation, we have attempted to detect the next supernova event visible from the perspective of Earth with the naked eye. This is an event that could occur within our lifetimes (some would say we are overdue) visible at least at night and possibly during the day. If Betelgeuse went supernova it would likely be as bright as the half-moon and would cast shadows at night.
We have indicated some characteristics of said events which are verifiable with current scientific understanding, and offered small clues depicting their dynamics, effects, location in space, and so on. It remains to be seen how relevant all of the information will be in the future.
(Full sessions are still processing)