This quick look-ahead was done blind six months ago. Some of these things may have already come to fruition. Others may not come to pass at all. Take with a grain of salt, as always, and for entertainment purposes only.
First impressions: nature, decompression, indecision, the feeling of "what if I just stay home?", "control of the country",
Next there was the impression of heat. Something about things heating up, confusion, putting your hand in the fire and getting burned.
I felt that there would be a pardon (this may come to pass with Julian Assange or another high profile case). Also something related to Epstein and/or the church.
Back in May I saw a "European" theme or traveling to Europe. Also: chest sickness, colds, flu, sneeze, allergies, flu-type season. Something mystifying, possibly about the virus. Elites getting sick. Getting tested. Lines. Uncovered information. Something bespoke. Curious eyes watching it all. Accounting. Religious views.
Rabid officials, a government swarm, "counting chickens before they hatch", and something being zip-lined or doled out rapidly (probably the vaccine). Oddly, "penitentiary parks" and "Nazi fornication camps. Let's hope the last part is metaphorical.
An earthquake - the Earth moves or shakes; something perhaps big. Something also related to the Dolomites. A possible avalanche somewhere, something falling to the sea or a rift. Flooding or deluge.