Phobos 2 was a Russian led mission with international support with the goal to return to Mars and the innermost and larger moon of Mars, Phobos. The objective was to explore the moon of Mars as well as gather data while passing near Mars (it also carried instrumentation to study the Sun, Mars, the interplanetary medium, and gamma-ray burst sources) but, like Phobos 1, the probe suffered a catastrophic event that led to its spiraling to the surface of the planet. In this project we took a look at the event and the last image captured by the probe. We were lucky to have this project team come together amongst such great viewers and people and plan to do many more in the future. Daz Smith was gracious enough to interview us on the project recently and that video is below:
As it happens, the original CIA Stargate team was tasked to view this event by Russia several years ago. We were not able to obtain the original documents (to date), however it was written about in one of Jim Marrs' books. Some of that information is relayed here. Our results differ in that there appeared to be conscious intervention by technological means which interrupted the craft.

Project Sessions:
All of the sessions and report details can be found on Henrietta's project site:
In addition, there is one ERV (Extended Remote Viewing) session related to Phobos I completed under the name of Sun Streak on April 24, 1989, which you can download below as well.