Venus is thought to have once had a more Earth-like climate, but a process known as a "runaway greenhouse effect" caused the planet's surface temperature to dramatically increase. This was likely

caused by the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide from volcanic activity, which created a thick atmosphere that trapped heat from the sun. The high temperatures and pressures on Venus's surface make it uninhabitable for known forms of life. It is possible in the past Venus hosted complex life but it is difficult to determine using any conventional means and there have been very few remote viewing sessions done around the topic. In addition to the volcanic theory, others include an impact hypothesis, changing solar evolution and temperatures, loss of the magnetic field, and even Venus as a transient body having entered the solar system in the distant past.
Tasker: John Dixon | Viewer: John Adams
The objective of this blind target was to look at a volcano on Venus, Sapas Mons: "The target is a location- describe and/or sketch the geography and activity that is located at the following Venusian-geographical coordinates: 8 degrees north latitude, 188 degrees east longitude (Sapas Mons)." This was not a target created with expectations of anomalous data. Due to the absence of time constraint, I felt like I may have invariably gotten a wider lens perspective as to the location and its history. It will be interesting to see if the full project is ever published, but for now this is limited to my session data only.
The Data
Major themes within the data include the following: mountains, rocky cliffs, granite, liquids, a burst of bright light, a changed landscape, the feeling of liquid or vapor changing or overtaking, movement, metamorphosis, haziness, a fluid exchange, vapor, soft billowy clouds, abiogenesis, a precious state or condition, going from one thing into another, and explosiveness.
Other interesting aspects include: large metal structures buried beneath sand, stone structures or blocks emanating out of the side of a mountain with rubble around it, tall slabs, a handprint, footprint, or tracks, a chrysina/jewel scarab (in the Egyptian religion the symbol of the Sun God RA and also of immortality, resurrection, transformation and protection), something cultural and technological, the feeling of being frozen in time, a priest, a portal, what seems an alchemical process, transcending something, and "light as an equation".
Image Highlights

In Summary
If we go by this RV data alone, a few things look evident leading to conclusions which are otherwise not fully established. Now consider the following:
Venus probably had liquid water oceans or large bodies of water and an atmosphere with some amount of CO2, somewhat like Earth. The planet would have had temperatures that supported the liquid state of water.
Due to a combination of factors (e.g., increasing solar luminosity, volcanic outgassing, potential impacts, etc.), the planet began to warm. As temperatures rose, the rate of water evaporation from the oceans would have increased.
As the oceans evaporated, more water vapor entered the atmosphere, trapping more heat and further accelerating the evaporation process.
Eventually, Venus's oceans would have completely evaporated. Water vapor in the upper atmosphere, when exposed to solar radiation, can be split into hydrogen and oxygen. The light hydrogen atoms could escape to space, while the oxygen might react with surface rocks or be stripped away by solar wind.
With an atmosphere dominated by CO2 and no liquid water left to mitigate the greenhouse effect, Venus's surface temperature skyrocketed. Current temperatures are around 467°C (872°F), hotter than a conventional oven and even hotter than the surface of Mercury, despite Venus being farther from the Sun.
The continuous outgassing from volcanoes, combined with the lack of sequestration mechanisms, led to the dense atmosphere we observe today, which is over 90 times as massive as Earth's atmosphere.
The extreme temperatures and high amounts of sulfur in the atmosphere (likely from volcanic activity) would lead to the formation of thick clouds of sulfuric acid, which further complicates the planet's atmospheric dynamics.
Today, Venus's surface is hot enough to melt lead, with crushing atmospheric pressures equivalent to being about 900 meters (3,000 feet) underwater on Earth. The dense, mostly CO2 atmosphere creates a powerful greenhouse effect, which keeps the planet in its current hellish state.
In addition, given the premise that water existed and conditions could have been more Earth-like, it is easier to conclude that complex life on Venus could very well have existed. What would have become of its inhabitants is more open to speculation. In the future, it is always possible we might find more concrete data to support such ideas. For now we have to continue to explore through non-conventional means as an added informational tool.