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The Jellyfish UAP

John Adams

Updated: Mar 3, 2024

The Jellyfish a.k.a. "Spaghetti Monster" UAP is an object reportedly captured on video by the US military over Iraq in 2017. The footage was shared in 2018 and broken to the media by Jeremy Corbell. In it we see an object floating over military base structures and appearing to change temperatures to match its surroundings. It is reported to have flown west of Baghdad until out of view over a nearby lake. Some others reported seeing the object go into the water only to shoot up later at a high rate of speed, but this has not been confirmed on video.

The Target

Blind RV target: What was the jellyfish AKA spaghetti monster object filmed in Iraq in 2017 or 2018? For reference:

I tasked this target to three viewers, Adrianne Hope Dillon, John Maillard, and Jemma Warner. The data gathered points towards an intelligence that is quite possibly a mating of biology to that of AI and/or technology. This intelligence is described as corrupted, self-gratifying, seeking control and feeding off of pain energetically, but it is also tired of being in hiding. Its purpose may be for observation, but it also wants to show itself. It may only be barely alive, but flies rapidly. It or whatever may be associated with it looks down on humans as sheep.

Unexpectedly, all three viewer's sessions point toward an ancient structure. They mention things like rocky terrain, a temple, worship and something that is hidden. Near this area, by a matter of a couple of miles, happens to be an ancient structure in Iraq called The Ziggurat of Dur-Kurigalzu. In both Iraq and Iran there are some 25 Ziggurats. The one being referenced here originally stood nearly 200 ft. tall. This structure was built dedicated to the god Enlil, the "God of Wind, Earth, Air, and Storms". It was built using repeating layers of mud brick separated by reeds. No one seems to know what the structure represents aesthetically or whether something is housed inside beneath its many layers.

While we don't know the origin point of the object, one potential theory is that the UAP could have emanated from the ziggurat location, from beneath it or 'across time/space', or has some other unknown relationship to it. It seems the location within the data represented a powerful technology, one that 'could be used as a weapon'. Some might even speculate it had cosmological purposes like other ancient sites. The exciting possibility remains though that a manmade structure resides beneath its eroding layers and has only yet to be discovered.

Remote Viewing Sketch
John Maillard's drawing


In the pantheon of Mesopotamian gods, Enki and Enlil stand out as significant figures with distinct roles and characteristics. According to Sumerian texts, Enki, often depicted as the wise and benevolent god, holds a prominent place as the eldest son of Anu and the older brother to Enlil. His domain encompasses the realms of land and fresh water, reflecting his association with fertility, wisdom, and creativity.

Along this line, humanity was created by the divine council for the purpose of serving the gods, initially devoid of the ability to procreate or possess intelligence. However, Enki, moved by compassion for the human plight, intervened to uplift them. He defied the strictures of his fellow deities and bestowed upon humanity the gift of knowledge, including the understanding of life and death, as well as the use of metal tools—an act often symbolized by the metaphorical "tree of knowledge."

Contrastingly, Enlil assumes the role of a stern overseer among 'the Anunnaki', the divine assembly. While Enki champions the cause of humanity, Enlil emerges as a figure of authority and discipline, concerned primarily with maintaining order and obedience. His frustration with the noise and clamor of humanity leads him to advocate for their destruction.

The story of the flood, prominently featured in Mesopotamian mythology, serves as a pivotal moment in the relationship between Enki and Enlil. Enlil, driven to rid the world of the perceived nuisance of humanity, decrees a catastrophic deluge to cleanse the earth. However, it is Enki who, out of compassion, warns the hero Atra-hasis (corresponding to the biblical Noah) of the impending disaster, enabling the survival of humankind.

Remote Viewing Sketch
Gods and Goddesses? Sketch by John Maillard

Over time, interpretations of these ancient myths have varied, influenced by cultural and religious perspectives. In some traditions, Enki's actions are portrayed as subversive or even rebellious, while Enlil is revered as a just and righteous deity. The conflation of these ancient narratives with later religious doctrines, such as those found in Judaism and Christianity, further reshapes the portrayal of these gods. Enki, with his association with knowledge and rebellion, has sometimes been equated with figures like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, while Enlil's attributes align with those ascribed to the God of the Old Testament Yahweh.


What is described about the location is hard and rocky terrain, pillars, steps and a tourist like location where people are welcome to visit (this was the case before it was damaged in the Iraq War). Adrianne depicts a place of meetings, discussions, rituals, sacredness, ceremony and communion, somewhere on a raised elevation. Jemma paints the picture of an underground, secretive structure. Meanwhile, John writes of a huge building, shiny and metallic, with spikes. This elicits an uneasy feeling.

The object reportedly moved west toward the lake. Photo: NewsNation
Aerial view above the ziggurat

John Maillard Sketches:

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Adrianne Hope Dillon's Data:

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Jemma Warner's Sketches:

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

The Object

Some other data that came up, particularly from John Maillard once I re-tasked him on an out of place object he perceived, describes it as: foul tasting, smelling of soot, thoughtless, moving badly, barely alive, a mix of metal and flesh, hollow-sounding, green on the inside, silver on the outside, not in balance, seeks to have some form of control, a sense of concern about the target, a sense of dread, hiding, guarding and secret.

More Of John Maillard's Sketches:

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Remote Viewing Sketch

Eerily, a channeled source described the object as a 4th dimensional being that feeds on suffering, and the arms being conduits of energy.

The Ziggurat of UR

Data from our Ziggurat of Ur project in Iraq was also quite interesting and potentially relevant. It seemed there was technology present, at least at one time, that involved the gathering of energy and the emanation of energies, like in the recent sketches.

Computer technologies appeared in the sessions. At one point I noted: "...a being. Maybe it had long fingers. Three or four fingers. Like, "look here". It's almost like a large cube or engine or computer and on top you can feed energy into it, or something like that. Some kind of structure. there were panels that radiated light and it felt dimensionally different.

Graphic depiction of the Ziggurat of UR target
My depiction of the Ziggurat of Ur target

I saw a brown spider-like creature (among other subjects present) while Dimi noted something similar. further I added "I want to say when I touch this being's hand I get more of an alien sort of quasi-insectoid life that is different. but maybe in some way he or she is being helpful in that they are almost acting like a tour guide. It's like almost spidery, almost insectoid, brownish.

Purposes included to "drive, maintain, steer, breed, manage, collect, maybe freeze, ascertain. move, move objects maybe." To "politely move something", "travel, nature, consuming, enriching. I had the AOL of aliens, because I saw this "person that was blue with like a large bulbous head".


In addition to the structure dedicated to Enlil, there is another located here called the Egašanantagal, or "House of the Lady on High", dedicated to his wife Ninlil. Are the male and female subjects depicted in the drawing above these two figures? It's interesting to entertain. While these connections are as yet speculative—possibly even invalid in the end—there is reasonable data to have us delve further into the mystery. Perhaps through additional viewing, research, and archeological excavation we can unravel the strange mystery behind the footage and what this site or others like it represents, or instead be offered more conventional explanations. For now this is what the sessions tell us.

Before Saddam Hussein's construction




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