Blind Session (as usual). Remote viewer: John Adams Tasker: Jemma Warner
The Voynich Manuscript is a manuscript kept at the Yale University Library. There is no acknowledged explanation for its design and what it was used for. There has been no translation or successful code-breaking of the text. This session was to look at the purpose behind the manuscript.
This was one of the more difficult ones I have done. In the session there are what looks like several possible hits as to the nature of the object itself. We see a glass pane/shield, fabrics or linens, something dilapidated and torn. There are symbols, abstract shapes, a layer and the feeling of something being hidden behind a layer.

A building of older architecture not too unlike those buildings around the Yale Library shows up. The building it is held in most of the time is a rectangular building of more modern flair. There is "a harbor nearby". Right next to it is Newhaven Harbor.

As to the question of purpose and use, what comes to mind after a little reflection is that it could have been used as a cipher for secret message sending during war time. We know that the 15th century was plagued with many wars, and that there was cryptography being developed during the period in various places around the world. Notice below "gross delivery or means thereof" (in the context of message delivery) and that the target seems feeble, depicting lines and colors. Astronomical features is labeled on this page (as analytical overlay) and there are some astronomical drawings in the manuscript.

Interestingly on page 5 below the phrase "like what was done in Arizona" shows up.
"A code talker was a person employed by the military during wartime to use a little-known language as a means of secret communication. The term is now usually associated with United States service members during the world wars who used their knowledge of Native American languages as a basis to transmit coded messages. In particular, there were approximately 400 to 500 Native Americans in the United States Marine Corps whose primary job was to transmit secret tactical messages. Code talkers transmitted messages over military telephone or radio communications nets using formally or informally developed codes built upon their native languages. The code talkers improved the speed of encryption and decryption of communications in front line operations during World War II.
There were two code types used during World War II. Type one codes were formally developed based on the languages of the Comanche, Hopi, Meskwaki, and Navajo peoples. They used words from their languages for each letter of the English alphabet. Messages could be encoded and decoded by using a simple substitution cipher where the ciphertext was the native language word. Type two code was informal and directly translated from English into the native language. If there was no word in the native language to describe a military word, code talkers used descriptive words. For example, the Navajo did not have a word for submarine so they translated it to iron fish.[1][2]
The name code talkers is strongly associated with bilingual Navajo speakers specially recruited during World War II by the US Marine Corps to serve in their standard communications units of the Pacific theater. Code talking, however, was pioneered by the Cherokee and Choctaw peoples during World War I.
Other Native American code talkers were deployed by the United States Army during World War II, including Lakota,[3] Meskwaki, Mohawk,[4][5] Comanche, Tlingit,[6] Hopi,[7] Cree and Crow soldiers; they served in the Pacific, North African, and European theaters." -Wikipedia
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